Try This Full-Body Office Chair Training Between Zoom Calls


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Breaking News: Sitting for hours every day is putting you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Let’s turn that spinning death machine into a full-body training machine. These moves will light you up from head to toe while forcing you to focus on stabilizing your core. Now hop off that Zoom Meeting and get to work!


45 seconds of work for each move, 15 seconds of rest, 6 total rounds

(switch sides every round for single-sided work)

  1. Push-up Slides (front/lateral)

    Place one hand on the floor and one hand on the bottom of your chair (or a towel if the chair does not have wheels) slide hand out laterally, pull back, slide out in front.

  2. Pikes

    Placing your feet on the office chair and hands on the floor. Start from a plank position and begin to pull your hips up towards the sky, pulling the legs in straight. With control, slide back down to aplank.

  3. Lateral Lunge

    Start standing, one foot on the base of the chair, one foot on the ground. Push the chair out to the side (laterally) and bending the leg on the ground only, at the knee. With control pull the chair back in, and rise up at the same time.

  4. Plank Tiptoes

    Elbows are on the seat of the chair, toes on the ground. Begin to walk forward six steps, holding an elevated plank position. Return to start.

  5. Front Squat

    Holding the office chair above your head, elbow bend at 90 degrees, and point forward. Hold that position, as you lower down for a squat and stand up. For those who have low ceilings, ditch the chair.


Ian holds the National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Personal Trainer certification (NSCA-CPT®) and has completed the Brookbush Institute's Human Movement Specialist certification.

He is currently living in New York City, working as a personal trainer with The LIV Method and developing Artra: a business that will benefit artists in New York City and beyond. If you are in New York City. Book a session at The LIV Method with Ian today!