Want a Healthier Greener Lawn Next Year? You have to Act Now!


Like most lawn caretakers, we all want a lush, thick, green, healthy lawn. Like most…… we all have dead spots, potential weeds, crabgrass, clovers, sunflowers, dirt spots……. The list goes on, am I right?

Without purchasing new sod or paying for lawn treatment companies, you can take routine steps to achieve your landscaping goals. If you wish to make progress or have those lawn aspirations for 2021, you must act NOW.


Seed the whole lawn. Specific seed based on climate and demographic. I use the northeast mix being in New England. Use the drop spreader to apply to the whole lawn and make adjustments on the dial based on thin spots and over seeding areas.


Twice annually. Potentially three like those living with a high clay concentration. Always recommended to test your soil to see what you are working with. Some methods fit every budget, from a small gas-powered machine to shoe attachments or poles.


Simple, but yet the most common neglected task of lawn maintenance. YES, the living plant needs water even if it is JUST grass. Suppose you want it to be healthy and green, water in the early morning or evening on hot days, or every 2-3 days during drought weeks. Most of us aren’t lucky enough to have in-ground automatic sprinkler systems, but a hose and sprinkler attachment will suffice. Grab a cocktail at the end of the long day and get that fresh air while watering. A win-win


Three times a year, mid summer, fall and spring.

Mow Method

Once a week. Mow your lawn in different patterns/directions. We are all guilty of being creatures of habit when it comes to mowing our lawns. BUT, your lawn will grow thicker and healthier if you change it up from week to week.

Happy Lawn Scaping!