Step Up Taco Tuesday with Homemade Mexican Street Corn

Originally posted on 09/22/2020

If you are anything like us, you typically never miss a Taco Tuesday. But what is Taco Tuesday without Mexican Street Corn?

Add Mexican Street Corn straight to the Tacos and have it as a side

Making Mexican Street Corn at home can seem like a big task but believe us, it is easier than you imagined. 

While most recipes traditionally serve corn on a stick or with the husks pulled down to make a handle—sweet corn is typically in Season until the first day of Fall. What happens when you want to enjoy Elote year-round? That calls for Elote en Vason (little corn-cup), or Esquites.

Mexican Street Corn is an excellent addition to any dinner party, served warm, cold or room temperature. It can stand alone as a main dish or a side dish. 

Begin by grilling your corn. 

If you are working with corn on the cob, husk your corn and place them on the grill. The grill temperature should be around 425 - 450 degrees. Be sure to keep an eye on your cobs and rotate as the kernels will burn if kept on one side the whole time. Grill for 15 - 20 mins. 

Leftover Mexican Street Corn makes a great appetizer served cold with tortilla chips! 

If you are working with canned corn, drain corn (do not rinse). Use a skillet or pan (we prefer the skillet) heat on medium temperature. Add 1/2 tsp of butter and canned corn and cook 10-15 mins until corn starts to brown, stirring occasionally.

While your corn is on the grill or pan, begin to prep your ingredients. Using a large mixing bowl, add all the ingredients together, mix, and then set aside. 

Remove the corn from the grill and cut the corn off the cob using a sharp knife. We suggest cutting it right into a large bowl to avoid the kernels falling everywhere. Mix the corn into your prepped ingredient bowl and serve! 

Store leftovers in the fridge for up to a week.