Master Your Day with This Morning Practice

By Jeff Siegel from Jeff Siegel Wellness

What is the first thing you think about when you wake up? 

Aside from going to the bathroom and caring for kids or pets, most people start their day with a swirl of daily to-dos: chores, tasks, work obligations, and logistics necessary to keep the day running smoothly. 

There's nothing wrong with being productive, but the question is whether jumping right into action first thing in the morning is serving your best interests. Is there a better way to start your day?


It is called starting with intention, structure, and gratitude. A well-designed morning practice makes all the difference between living proactively instead of reactively. 

So if you don't want your day to slip by and drag you around, try this simple technique to optimize for what really matters to you.



The ACE Technique is about aligning what you do with how you do it and who you become in the process. Master it. It is a simple way to transcend the shortcomings of regular to-do lists and get clear on your north star. 

The ACE Technique boils each day down to three simple questions. These questions shift you from thinking about your day as something happening to you to an experience happening through you. 

  • What or who can I Appreciate?

  • What can I Contribute?

  • What Experiences do I want to co-create?




Appreciation sets the frame to look for what's good and positive in your life. We all need this reframe because, without conscious intervention, our brain will habitually seek and find problems.

It's not our fault. Our brain is doing what it's designed to do. It's nervously looking around for something to worry about. That's why it is called a nervous system. It tends to be anxious.

To override this inherent bias wired into your neurobiology, ask yourself:

  • What can I appreciate today?

  • Who can I appreciate today?

  • What/who might I take for granted that I can acknowledge?

  • How can I show that appreciation in words or actions?



Contribution gets you thinking about what you offer to the world. Even if you feel like you've got nothing, just being you is enough. You can impact others in ways you never know.

Plus, when you start to focus your energy on sharing your strengths and passions, you'll find the day becomes more meaningful and satisfying. 

  • What can I contribute today?

  • What can I offer that the world needs?

  • With whom can I share these contributions?

Your contributions do not need to be tangible. In fact, some of the most powerful contributions are simply a nice gesture or warm-hearted presence. Showing up for someone with a smile and a willingness to listen can be the most valuable part of their day. 

Try showing up to your day, not with an attitude of "what I can get," but "what I can give." This shift can be magical.



Most days aren't blank slates. However, no matter how busy your calendar, you still have a choice in how you show up and create these experiences.

Go beyond thinking of your day as items to check off a list. Consider what you want to feel. Moreover, consider how each part of your day can help you become a better human.

Each experience of your day can be a springboard to another important "E" — Evolution. When you shift into that perspective, life starts happening for you–for your own learning and growth–rather than at you (which is often scary and not very fun.)

Ask yourself:

  • What do I want to experience today?

  • What feelings and emotions characterize this experience?

  • Why is this experience important? (How will this experience help me evolve?)

  • Where does this experience take place? With whom?

  • What do I need to do to make sure this happens?

Remember, the exact way in which any given experience unfolds is less important than the overall meaning you give to that moment. Don't get overly attached to unimportant details. Focus on the quality of your desired experience and build from there. On the outside, the experience might look exactly the same, but on the inside, it can feel totally different.



Most mornings are mindless unless you choose to make them otherwise. The ACE morning practice is a simple way to make your whole day more conscious.

You have an opportunity to appreciate the good things in your life.

You have an opportunity to contribute to the lives of others.

You have an opportunity to experience emotions that bring you joy and fulfillment and moments that help you evolve as a human.

This opportunity awaits you every morning if you choose to pursue it.


Jeff is a health, wellness, & lifestyle coach, helping people upgrade their body, take care of their mind, and show up to benefit the world. He holds a Masters in Buddhism from the University of Hong Kong and a Masters in Mind & Brain Education from Harvard University.

You can learn more about Jeff's journey through eating challenges JEFFSIEGELWELLNESS.COM and follow him on Instagram for the latest fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness practices.