Creating a Gratitude Routine You Can Stick To
Creating a gratitude practice is something that we can all rally around. But like everything else, it’s hard to stick with it if we don’t have the habit and structure in place.
We work to strengthen that practice and create a routine each November. During the month, leading up to Thanksgiving, we don our wall with our Grateful Cards. Each card says, "Today I am Grateful For..."
At dinner, each of our lists what we are grateful for that day. There is no wrong answer. The only rule is you can't use your same answer twice. Through their answers, I've learned a lot about my children. My oldest is the diplomat. He gives lofty answers like "my family", "the food that we have to eat", "my teachers", etc. Whereas my youngest goes with top of mind answers. And without fail McDonald makes it to the wall.
It has created a very rich conversation for the dinner table and gives us an incentive to all eat together. As my kids have gotten older, those nightly meals all on the same schedule have become harder and harder to do. This practice helps.
By Thanksgiving, we have the practice in place, so it provides us the structure to continue. We then share what we are most grateful for even without the cards.
We also use several conversation starter decks at our dining table. Again, I need a draw to get them there, and a reason for them to linger!
Here are a few other ideas on how you can create a family gratitude practice:
Share a 5-year journal where everyone can include one memorable thing for the day.
Keep a joy jar where everyone adds what they loved that day on a slip of paper.
Have a chalkboard wall? Have everyone add to it every day of the month. Then take a photo at the end of the month before you erase and start afresh for the new month.
The how is not the important part. The act of doing it, as a family, and doing it consistently is what is key. Make it easy and fun to do for it to become a lasting tradition. And even if it doesn’t last the whole year through, you can pick seasons within the year to focus on it. #youdoyou
Here is a download to a printable of the cards that we use for our grateful wall and a printable for grateful cards you can color and attach to gifts or send as happy mail.
Jennessa Durrani is a personal development coach using art and connection to lift moms from the muddle of midlife. She helps tired and depleted women reignite the flame they were born with and discover new directions through her Life by Design curriculum and the Daily Practice community. When you join her community, you will find nourishment for the heart and mind with a circle of supportive, like-minded women encouraging each other to shine. Her community is open to new members at To learn more about Jennessa, visit: @justjennessa