How to Own Your Shit

Welcome to Daily Origin’s Lifestyle Interview Series, Origin Stories! A series where we speak with business owners, trainers, community leaders, and beyond that are currently elevating their community to find their origin.

In this interview, we speak with Danielle Gertner about how she learned to own her sh*t and why she felt a calling to help others own their sh*t. Find out what exactly that means and how you can work with Danielle in the future. Watch or listen now!

Take ownerships with Danielle by finding her at, on Own Your Shit Podcast on Spotify & Apple, and Instagram.


Driven to inspire people everywhere to take ownership over their lives and live with unparalleled radical confidence, in 2016, Danielle Gertner founded Gertner Grind, a platform that challenges the mainstream approach to wellness and inspires people to see the world as their gym.

Danielle learned early on that physical fitness was only a small piece of the puzzle when it came to holistic health, happiness, fulfillment and success and so she began her journey into the world of self-mastery, radical confidence and habit and mindset transformation.

Today, she serves her clients as an Ownership coach - utilizing tools like neuro-linguistic programming to teach people the blueprint to taking ownership over their lives through her online programs and courses, workshops, and retreats.

Danielle believes that in order to live the life you have always imagined for yourself, you need to do only one thing - own your sh*t, loud and proud!