Five Steps for Simple Spring Cleaning


This year, there is something that has everyone wanting to jump right into Spring cleaning. (I can't put my finger on it). 

It could be that the past year has been all about staying inside our homes and the greater appreciation we all have for the space we rest our heads at night. 

There are tips, tricks, and lists of spring cleaning advice you can do throughout the home to make it feel fresh. If Spring cleaning starts to stress you out, have no fear, here are our top five tips that won’t overwhelm you to getting your home ready for the Spring.


Take all your decor and place it together. 


We have decluttered our decor after the holidays, but there's something about those almost 70 degree days that make our home still scream "Fall & Winter" mode. 

So take all your decor (including the artwork, couch pillows, and even curtains) and bring it to one central area. Start making sections, clean and put back, store until next fall, and continue to use.

Moving your artwork around will give your home a fresh feel, as long as you don't have to remove nails. Try to move only the artwork that is similar in size but can fit in other places. 


Clean cleared spaces


When you have all cleared surfaces, you can now clean all countertops, ledges, and corners. (Finding a spiderweb in an old house isn't uncommon). 

When it comes to cleaning your home there’s a lot to take into consideration and there is always going to be something we can improve on. Don’t feel overwhelmed and replace everything right away, try doing small steps that contribute to a healthier home. Natural cleaners are different than conventional ones and you can actually DIY plenty of cleaners for your home.

Become Alive Again


Replace fake or dried flower arrangements that work well for colder temperatures with fresh flowers. 

In the fall and winter, we love decorating with dried flowers around the house. The muted tones work well with the vibe of Fall and Winter. However, Spring and Summer it's all about new life, growth, and color. A pop of color with a bouquet of flowers can brighten up even the whitest of spaces. 


Refresh worn down furniture 


This doesn't have to be an every year routine, but there probably is one piece of furniture that could use a little more love and attention. Touching up a piece of furniture could be as simple as using a wood cleaner, hemp oil, or a repaint or re-stain.  


air it out


Wash, clean, air out, area rugs, comforters, blankets, etc. We know you are usually cleaning or washing these items regularly. Now that it's warming up, it's an excellent opportunity to take area rugs outdoors to air out. 

If the warm weather gets you excited to spring clean, we made you a longer list you can use and check off as you go. We recommend throwing on our DO FIT April playlist, a multipurpose playlist for working out or working around the house. Enjoy.