Sticking to Your Strengths and Finding Success in Business

Welcome to Daily Origins’s Lifestyle Video series.

A series where we speak to business owners about their origin story, growing their business, their wins, and their opportunities. In this video, Kerri Thomas of FitFam Arlington Strength & Conditioning shares with Daily Origin her career journey within the Fitness industry and how she's found success in growing a dream business while also raising two young children.

Be sure to head to FitFamASC to work with Kerri


IG: @kjfitchick


Kerri has 15+ years in the health and fitness industry holding positions such as personal trainer, outdoor adventure counselor, sports counselor, exercise specialist, fitness director and general manager. She is a Certified Strength and Conditional Specialist, and holds personal training and sports nutrition certifications, as well as received her Bachelors Degree at the University of Tampa and attended a Health Sciences program at Northeastern University most recently. When not working on FITFAM, she is coaching or in the gym, spending time with her husband, Mike, and two little kids, Nevin and Isla, and adventuring outdoors.