Having Body Neutral Conversations, Speaking Up and Jumping Into Business

Welcome to Daily Origins’s Lifestyle Video series.

A series where we speak to business owners about their origin story, growing their business, their wins, and their opportunities. In this video, we are speaking with Kayla Mills, creator of Working Woman. Kayla shares with us beyond business advice. Having honest body conversations, she calls body neutral and her idea behind the Speak Up tee.

Be sure to follow Kayla & shop Working Woman today.


IG: @imaworkingwoman | @kaylaleemills

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We are all working women - at home, in the office, at the gym, on the internet, in our minds…

After 20-something years I finally dedicated the majority of free time to myself. I took back the time I spent focusing on any/everything else and started to create the life I wanted to live & did it un·a·pol·o·get·I·cal·ly.

24 hours each day is standard for every one of us… what are you doing with your time? How do you want to spend your time? What do you want & how are you going to get there? I have come to realize that so many women are thriving and following their dreams - I want to highlight the efforts of working women by sharing their stories.