5 Tips to Get The Most Out Of Your Online Workout Classes

By Jillian Barnes of outFIT by Jillian

Let's be real. You’ve subscribed to every online workout, you're attending every class, but do you see results? Here are five tips for getting the most out of your online fitness classes.



Your core isn't just the muscles you feel burning during crunches. The core consists of several muscles: the erector spinae, transverse abdominus, and internal obliques, just to name a few. When you're performing a movement, maintain a neutral spine, and squeeze your obliques to get the most out of an exercise. Picture this. If you’re doing an overhead press and your spine is bending backward with your booty out, your core probably isn't engaged. Slightly tuck your pelvis to neutral and squeeze your lower abdominals to engage fully.

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I mean it. Our bodies change under pressure. The more resistance added, the more significant the change. Opt for the eight or 10-pound  weights in your Zoom class if you typically use the three- or 5-pound sets. The heavier weight option will increase lean muscle mass and help boost your metabolism. According to ACE Fitness, 1 lb of skeletal muscle can increase your resting metabolism by 5 to 7 calories, AKA if you gain 5 lbs of muscle, you might be burning up to an extra 50 calories per day at rest.


The most well-rounded routines are ones with a variety of workouts: resistance training, cardio, recovery, etc. For example, if you love spin class, supplement that with weights and stretching or recovery-focused classes like yoga. If low-intensity workouts are more your thing, mix yoga with incline walks and light stretching.


If you don't have time to run to a smoothie bar, carry a water bottle and protein powder, or something like an Rx bar, in your gym bag with healthy carbohydrates and protein. Protein supports repairing broken down muscle and build lean mass, while carbohydrates help replenish energy, or depleted glycogen stores, after a workout.


I know you're dying to post that sixth on-demand class in 4 days to your Instagram story, but I promise you your cortisol levels probably need a break. When you are continually completing high-intensity workouts, your body is under a lot of stress. Replace a high-intensity class with foam rolling and stretching or hang at home and watch Netflix. Seriously. For your body to make positive changes, your muscles need rest to heal. After all, who doesn't love a good Netflix binge that could benefit your bod?


Jillian's is a fitness professional and founder of Sports Bras Only, a clothing brand with a vision to make wellness approachable. She is a certified personal trainer through ACE with 4 years of experience in one-on-one training, group fitness instruction, and yoga. Jillian is the creator of outFIT by Jillian a 30 min workouts and weekly newsletter styled for career-driven women who want to elevate their wellness without sacrificing their hustle.