Full-Body Backpack Barrage Workout


Why shell out hundreds of dollars on a weighted vest when you’ve got one lying around your house (most likely just gathering dust right now).

Adding resistance to your bodyweight exercises is one of the best ways to overcome stubborn plateaus in your home workout routine. The weight in your bag will determine how much work you can get in.

I’m working with 25lbs here. Give or take 2-4 reps per exercise based on what you’re working with. I recommend leaving your heavy textbooks in your bag and throwing in an old yearbook or two. The class is in session.


Rest 30 seconds in between each exercise, 2 minutes in between rounds, 3-4 total rounds

  1. weighted push-ups x 10

    Place the weighted backpack on your back and walk out into a high plank position. Lower your body down, bending the elbows at a 45-degree angle, push yourself back up to start.

  2. Backpack curls x 15

    Holding the backpack by its straps, the inside of the pack facing toward you, palms facing up. Bend your elbows by your side, pull the pack upward toward chest level, lower back down.

  3. Split-stance forward lunge x 15 (each side)

    Place the backpack on your front side, step on foot forward flat on the ground, keep the back foot behind you with your toes down and heel up. Your legs should be staggered, like railroad tracks. Lower your body down by bending both knees and push back to standing. Keep the feet in place for all 15 before switching legs.

  4. Weighted Roll-Up x 12

    Lie flat on the ground, hold the backpack above your chest. Keeping the pack in the air, legs stay straight, sit all the way up, and lower back down slowly.

  5. High Plank Knees x 60 sec

    Place the pack on your back and walk out to a high plank position. Take one knee and bend it towards your elbow and chest, repeat immediately on other side.


Ian holds the National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Personal Trainer certification (NSCA-CPT®) and has completed the Brookbush Institute's Human Movement Specialist certification.

He is currently living in New York City, working as a personal trainer with The LIV Method and developing Artra: a business that will benefit artists in New York City and beyond. If you are in New York City. Book a session at The LIV Method with Ian today!